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Grüne Liga Berlin e.V.
Infomaterial / selbstorganisierte ZeitungenAreas of relevanceFriedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Südliche Friedrichstadt (Kreuzberg Nord), Tempelhofer Vorstadt (Kreuzberg 61), Nördliche Luisenstadt (Kreuzberg 36), Südliche Luisenstadt (Kreuzberg 36), ..and 149 more
Urban gardeningAreas of relevanceMarzahn-Hellersdorf
LibraryAreas of relevancePrenzlauer Berg Süd
aktiv und selbstbestimmt e.V.
Antidiskriminierungsnetzwerk Berlin des TBB
ContactingAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
counseling in case of discriminationAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
Legal counselingAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
Testings in case of discriminationAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
Trainings / EducationAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
WorkshopsAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
DocumentationAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
Mediation to counselingsAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
Assistance in court casesAreas of relevanceKarl-Marx-Allee Nord
Further Services:
Mehrgenerationen Haus Wassertor
TutoringAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Dancing and exerciseAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Learning groupAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Urban gardeningAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Common cookingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Social counselingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Meeting placeAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Art & literatureAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Foodbank / FoodsharingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
DIY- / Upcycling-WorkshopsAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Common cookingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Sports groupAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Meeting placeAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Legal counselingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
HandicraftsAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Painting and drawing workshopAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Meeting placeAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Dancing and exerciseAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Further Services: