Form intro
In this form, organizations that offer direct help and support can register themselves to be included in Iniradar. Above all, we focus on initiatives whose services deal with situations with a certain urgency or cover basic needs. We are aware that this focus cannot be a clear separation. Organizations and services that are rather outside this focus can also be listed. In these areas, however, we are currently neither striving for completeness, nor are our presentations and considerations optimized for these other organizations. So currently we do not list workers co-ops or political/activist groups. Although we see these as important components for a solidary, self-organized and hierarchy-free society, Iniradar is currently intended to provide an overview of where people can find direct, need-oriented help in a non-commercial form. Good overviews for what is missing can be found here:
Furthermore we want to point out that we will not list any organizations on Iniradar that position themselves in a discriminatory way and see oppressive power structures as part of their organizing. It is clear to us that structures of violence and power are internalized in our society and have not disappeared even in most groups and organizations that call themselves progressive. However, a reflective approach is important to us in order to dismantle such structural problems.
Before you start, you should also check whether the initiative is perhaps already registered. If you are then sure that the initiative fits the criteria and does not already exist, you can start with the registration. In our example video we show you how the whole thing works.