The concrete services of the initiatives or organizations. The services are sorted into comparable types (e.g. social counseling), these types are again divided into categories for the sake of clarity (e.g. counseling).
We have added descriptions for these categories. The types have been explained in more detail only where there is ambiguity or risk of confusion.
All offers are free of charge, on donation or in exceptional cases at a fixed solidary price. Forms of cost-coverage by e.g. welfare programs are listed, if they aim at counteracting social exclusions. Offers covered by regular health or care insurances and other insurances as well as all profit-oriented offers are not part of Iniradar.
Food and meals (free/donation),
Peoples kitchen
(Part of Food)
Cooked food, for a donation or for free. Mostly also social place.
Foodbank / Foodsharing
(Part of Food)
Food bank sites, food sharing distributors and other food distribution (for free).
Common cooking
(Part of Food)
Cooking and eating together, social exchange, being together.
Place to get info on a particular topic, share ideas or get emotional support.
Social counseling
(Part of Advice)
Social benefits, (imminent) poverty. Often also general advice for difficult life situations.
Labor law consulting
(Part of Advice)
Tax counseling
(Part of Advice)
Income tax counseling
(Part of Advice)
Legal counseling
(Part of Advice)
Psychosocial counseling
(Part of Advice)
For mental health problems, often overlapping with social difficulties.
Health & medical counseling
(Part of Advice)
Advice on medical issues (no doctors consultation), exercise and nutrition.
Career counseling
(Part of Advice)
Rent counseling
(Part of Advice)
Advice on tenants' rights and landlord's obligations in an existing or intended tenancy.
Mediation to counselings
(Part of Advice)
Information on and referral to other services and (often complex) support systems.
Asylum & residency counseling
(Part of Advice)
Youth counseling
(Part of Advice)
Debt counseling
(Part of Advice)
Counseling severe disability and personal budget
(Part of Advice)
Dealing with disability and access to financial support (personal budget).
Peer counseling
(Part of Advice)
Couple counselling
(Part of Advice)
Systemic counseling
(Part of Advice)
Family counseling
(Part of Advice)
Crisis and conflict counseling
(Part of Advice)
Rent-debts & homelessness advice
(Part of Advice)
Counseling in case of rent debts and (imminent) homelessness.
Pregnancy-conflict counseling
(Part of Advice)
Recognized pregnancy conflict counseling. Prerequisite for abortion.
Social benefit counselling
(Part of Advice)
Advice on financial benefits (social benefits, housing allowance, pension).
Counseling violence & abuse
(Part of Advice)
In cases of actual or threatened violence and abuse (sexualized or otherwise).
Counseling for relatives
(Part of Advice)
Counseling for relatives of e.g. sex workers (mostly when social conflicts are likely)
Sexuality and coming-out
(Part of Advice)
For questions about sexuality, queerness, and coming out.
(Part of Advice)
Form of counseling, where one person or a team reflect on their work and/oder internal team dynamics
counseling in case of discrimination
(Part of Advice)
University and academic counseling
(Part of Advice)
Assistance with problems related to studies.
Beratung für Gleichstellung
(Part of Advice)
Course / Workshop
Knowledge-sharing. Also language tandems, tutoring etc.
Language tandem
(Part of Course / Workshop)
(Part of Course / Workshop)
Language course
(Part of Course / Workshop)
German course
(Part of Language course)
English course
(Part of Language course)
Other languages
(Part of Language course)
Trainings / Education
(Part of Course / Workshop)
(Part of Course / Workshop)
Intensive and mostly personal support with certain challenges.
(Part of Course / Workshop)
IT workshop
(Part of Workshops)
DIY- / Upcycling-Workshops
(Part of Workshops)
Dancing and exercise
(Part of Workshops)
(Part of Workshops)
Learn how to ride a bike.
Writing workshop
(Part of Workshops)
Collaborative writing, texting, poetry etc.
Painting and drawing workshop
(Part of Workshops)
Music workshop
(Part of Workshops)
Learning group
(Part of Course / Workshop)
Collaborative learning, mostly self-organized or in certain cases with supervision.
(Part of Course / Workshop)
(Part of Course / Workshop)
Educational projects for school classes / pupils.
Repair / Workshop
Repair and (self-help) workshops (free / donation).
Wood workshop
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
IT workshop
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
Bike workshop
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
Open offer where all kinds of things can be repaired with mutual help.
Electronics workshop
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
Sewing workshop
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
3D-printing, CNC etc.
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
screen-printing workshop
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
ceramics / pottery workshop
(Part of Repair / Workshop)
Support, especially for care work, emotional work or community tasks.
(Part of Support)
Open support structure in case of conflicts and harassment (mostly at events, parties, etc.)
(Part of Support)
Trained/informed paramedics for first aid at events, demonstrations, etc.
(Part of Support)
Protection at (political) events against attacks by right-wingers, sexists and racists.
Process work (Transformative Justice)
(Part of Support)
Conflict transformation according to the 'transformative justice' or 'community accountability' concept.
Demo monitoring
(Part of Support)
Observers at demonstrations who document assaults or violence by police or counter-demonstrators.
(Part of Support)
Guided mediation between conflicting parties (for free/donation)
Legal support fund (financial support)
(Part of Support)
Financial support for repression.
Grievance companionship
(Part of Support)
Legal expenses insurance
(Part of Support)
Financial assistance with legal fees or court costs (free of charge or members-only. No paid legal expenses insurance).
Support for finding a flat
(Part of Support)
Testings in case of discrimination
(Part of Support)
Support im Alltag und Bürokratie
(Part of Support)
(ehrenamtliche) Unterstützung, Pat*innenschaft usw. für z.B. Geflüchtete, Minderjährige usw. die beim Ankommen oder im Alltag Support brauchen.
Job nach §16 SGB II
(Part of Support)
Beschäftigungen für langzeitarbeitslose Menschen. Sie sind auf 2 bis 5 Jahre befristet. Voraussetzung ist der Anspruch auf eine Förderung nach §16e/16i SGB II.
Leisure activities
Relaxation, fun, creative offers, gardening.
Sports group
(Part of Leisure activities)
(Part of Leisure activities)
Art & literature
(Part of Leisure activities)
Relaxing & baths.
(Part of Leisure activities)
(Part of Leisure activities)
Urban gardening
(Part of Leisure activities)
(Part of Leisure activities)
Gemeinsam Gesellschaftsspiele spielen.
(Part of Leisure activities)
(Part of Leisure activities)
Gemeinsame Müll-Aufräumaktion
Support with authorities & court
Assistance with or accompaniment to the police, court, job center, immigration office, etc.
Assistance in court cases
(Part of Support with authorities & court)
Advice and assistance in legal proceedings.
Court-case monitoring
(Part of Support with authorities & court)
Observation of court proceedings by informed persons. Detection of errors and discrimination.
(Part of Support with authorities & court)
Contacting, i.e. the discriminating party.
Filling out forms
(Part of Support with authorities & court)
Help with filling out application forms to e.g. authorities.
Accompaniment to government offices
(Part of Support with authorities & court)
Personal accompaniment to authorities.
Feststellung besonderer Schutzbedürftigkeit (nach Art. 21 der EU-Aufnahmerichtlinie)
(Part of Support with authorities & court)
Medical care / Health
Medical or therapeutic help. Drugs/addiction. (Free, donation or cost-coverage without membership in health or long-term care insurance).
Medical consultation
(Part of Medical care / Health)
(Part of Medical care / Health)
Cover costs for medical treatment
(Part of Medical care / Health)
Help with the cost-coverage of medical treatment without membership in health insurance.
Medical needs & Drugs
(Part of Medical care / Health)
Syringes, medication, drugs.
Needle dispenser /-distribution
(Part of Medical needs & Drugs)
Consuming place
(Part of Medical needs & Drugs)
Place where consumption can take place in a protected environment and/or under supervision.
Testing on STI (sexually transmitted infections)
(Part of Medical needs & Drugs)
Outpatient aid
(Part of Medical care / Health)
Counseling, care and support at home or in relevant places outside.
Rooms, if necessary with special equipment (free / donation).
Conference / event room
(Part of Spaces)
Larger rooms, mostly with technical equipment, mostly suitable for public invitations.
(Part of Spaces)
Single workstation/desk (short-term or regular use).
Co-working space
(Part of Spaces)
Publicly accessible room with certain equipment (internet, electricity).
(Part of Spaces)
Space specifically designed for (advanced) IT work. Possibly with tech support/exchange.
Group-room / meeting-room
(Part of Spaces)
Room, mostly with internet (non-public use).
residence / seminar-house
(Part of Spaces)
House for groups, furnished for whole-day or longer lasting seminars, events etc.
Rehearsal room
(Part of Spaces)
Sound studio
(Part of Spaces)
Sports room
(Part of Spaces)
Material / Resources
Materials for building/crafting, tools, technology and bicycles. (Free/ donation/ rental on donation basis).
Technical equipment
(Part of Material / Resources)
(Part of Material / Resources)
Bikes / -rental
(Part of Material / Resources)
Swap shop
(Part of Material / Resources)
Building & crafting materials
(Part of Material / Resources)
Infomaterial / selbstorganisierte Zeitungen
(Part of Material / Resources)
Zines, Broschüren, Ratgeber, Infomaterial und selbstorganisierte Zeitungen.
Meet up / Networking
First points of contact, meeting places, self-help groups, places of exchange - mostly without professional support or self-organized by those concerned/interested.
Meeting place
(Part of Meet up / Networking)
Regular meetings or regular place where certain groups of people meet.
Coordination & Networking
(Part of Meet up / Networking)
Networking of like-minded people on a particular topic.
(Part of Meet up / Networking)
Low-threshold contact point, usually with brief consultation and information material.
Self-help group / Empowerment
(Part of Meet up / Networking)
IT services
Use of Internet & telephone, rental or donation of hardware & software. Info and use of digital services. (free, donation).
Hardware und Software
(Part of IT services)
Sales, rental, donation of and advice on hardware and software.
Internet access & phone
(Part of IT services)
Internet & phone acces
Digital tools & services
(Part of IT services)
Video-calls, clouds, doodles etc.
Translation & Interpretion
... at authorities, at the doctor etc. / for authority mail, applications etc. / at political events. (Free/donation).
Language mediation
(Part of Translation & Interpretion)
Live translation during conversations.
(Part of Translation & Interpretion)
Translation of texts.
... e.g. of discrimination cases, assaults etc. / archives of such documentation.
(Part of Documentation)
Active documentation, acceptance of information.
(Part of Documentation)
Retention and management of documented data.
Living group / shelter
Short and medium term accommodation / resting place & assisted living. (Free of charge, donation or cost coverage).
Emergency shelter
(Part of Living group / shelter)
Daytime beds
(Part of Living group / shelter)
Rest place for a few hours during the day. (Mostly for sex workers).
Living group
(Part of Living group / shelter)
Medium-term shared living, possibly self-organized, usually with supervision.
(Part of Living group / shelter)
Short-term accomodation.
Assisted living
(Part of Living group / shelter)
postal adress
(Part of Living group / shelter)
Postal adress for homeless people
Clothes, hygiene & personal care
Personal hygiene, toiletries and clothing (free/donation).
(Part of Clothes, hygiene & personal care)
Clothes exchange, free-shop, etc.
Sanitary products
(Part of Clothes, hygiene & personal care)
(Part of Clothes, hygiene & personal care)
(Part of Clothes, hygiene & personal care)
(Part of Clothes, hygiene & personal care)
(Part of Clothes, hygiene & personal care)
Luggage storage
(Part of Clothes, hygiene & personal care)
Secure storage of luggage from a few hours to days. (free / donation).
Long-term/continuous form of consulting or support.
Assistance for families and education
(Part of Assistance)
Emergency service
Help in case of assaults, experience of violence. Pick up, accommodation, counseling. (Without police)
Babys & Kinder
Angebote für Babys und Kindern mit ihren Eltern, wie z.B. Angebote in Familienzentren, Kinderbetreuung und Pflegeeltern
Krabbelgruppe, Stillgruppe, Spielgruppe
(Part of Babys & Kinder)
Child care
(Part of Babys & Kinder)
Short-term childcare at e.g. events and conferences. (Free of charge / donation).
Offenes Spielcafé
(Part of Babys & Kinder)
Offenes Spielcafé für Eltern mit ihren Babys/Kindern
(Part of Babys & Kinder)
Rückbildungskurs nach Schwangerschaft