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The accessibilities open (or close) services for certain groups of people. It is e.g. about the fact that a service is only accessible for women*, or that the service can be taken under the influence of drugs, or not. If a service is meant for a certain target group, but is not closed to people outside this target group, this target group is set with the help of the 'themes'.

A service is also 'accessible' if it can be taken for free or for a donation. (Whereby donation means that theoretically there is no minimum price).

Accessibility in the sense of wheelchair-accessible is location-bound. You will find this info under 'Location' instead of 'Accessibility'.


The offer is exclusively for women, inter-, nonbinary-, trans- and asexual people.

Without membership

The offer can be taken without any form of membership.

Without papers

The offer can be used without showing any papers (identity, residency etc.).

Animal friendly

The offer can be taken in the company of a pet.


The offer can be used under the influence of drugs.

PoC only

The offer is meant exclusively for Blacks and People of Color.

For free / donation

The offer is free of charge or on a donation basis.

Men/Boys only

The offer is meant exclusively for cis men.


This offer is exclusively for queer identities (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, inter, queer, and more).