Welcome to Iniradar!
Here you can search for mutual aid offers and the related initiatives. Use filters like location or time to find what you need.
Now new 🌟: We publish the brochure Antioffizielle Netzwerke für Migrant*innen, Asylsuchende & Illegalisierte in cooperation with the group 'World without Borders - Life without Camps'.

Music workshopAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Language courseAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Swap shopAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Social counselingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Support im Alltag und BürokratieAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Leisure activitiesAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Common cookingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
CoachingAreas of relevanceNo (public) locations
Further Services: